Road Song (Ballad)

I know that the secret is starting to write
And seeing where memories take me
But I find myself sitting here into the night
‘Cause some of those memories shake me

I got in my car and drove three hundred miles
And the radio sang me old songs
About sunshine and sweethearts and summertime smiles
And dark days and shattering wrongs

Just like in those songs, I felt free on the road
From work site to truck stop to diner
Then it hailed and it rained and, like magic, it snowed
And between times, could not have been finer

Now, I get that the thing is to write what is true
And dig to the heart of what matters
But what if the templates have not worked for you
And the fairytale ended in tatters?

And what if you just can’t be sure what comes next
And you’re feeling your way as you go?
And delight comes in places you’d never expect
And you’re questioning all that you know?

Yes I know that the secret is starting to write
And seeing where memories take me
But I find myself sitting here into the night
‘Cause some of those memories shake me

Well I hollered along with the tunes that were played
I’m a sucker for love and romance
And the wind came in waves, and my little car swayed
While I sang and I drove in a trance

But from work site to truck stop to diner, I asked
Why can’t there be songs about me?
Through snow swirls and sunbursts, I stepped on the gas
And thought: someday, there’s going to be.


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